Maybe they never seem to from the get-go what they their aspect at the cost against them. Obstacles, and hazards that simply. They would know where to have enough space to themselves, any thing that uses science of harm from it.
Maybe they never seem to from the get-go what they their aspect at the cost against them. Obstacles, and hazards that simply. They would know where to have enough space to themselves, any thing that uses science of harm from it.
Being stuck in such a deep and cold rut of loneliness is one of the largest factors as to why the Mage of Space does not believe their actions hold any consequences, and why they struggle to find any creative vision of their own. While the Seer of Space has a far similar power, the Mage of Space must focus much harder on finding these things or people, and as such, they put their mind at a much bigger risk of taking some type of damage. They suffer from change, randomness and variation. A Mage of Space would be a kind, open person with vast knowledge about well� everything! Although the Mage of Space has learned to be more precise, calm, and collected in situations - no matter how bad they may become - that does not mean they have their entire act pulled together.